the breath of the sea
A sostegno del mar Mediterraneo
Miglia nautiche in media a stagione
Surveys per season
Specie Avvistate
Students involved in educational activities every year
Our Mission
We constantly monitor the marine environment, to protect and safeguard it
Menkab collaborates with Italian and foreign public bodies and universities to support scientific research and offers skills and logistical support for monitoring at sea.
For the creation of multimedia content Menkab makes use of the collaboration with the audiovisual production company Artescienza s.a.s. , thanks to which HD video content is produced for documentary purposes.
I progetti di Menkab sono portati avanti da un team eterogeneo e diversificato: biologi marini, divulgatori ambientali, ricercatori e fotografi.
la nostra storia
Reasearch projects
Courses & Training
Education & Disclosure
Close to home
Menkab and Artescienza's Web Series
Close to Home is a web series dedicated to our sea and the extraordinary animals that inhabit it.
Close to home
La Web Series di Menkab e Artescienza
Close to Home is a web series dedicated to our sea and the extraordinary animals that inhabit it.
stagione 2021/2022
menkab Whale experience
Take part in Menkab's monitoring campaigns and contribute to research
giulia calogero
biagio violi
scientific coordination
Maurizio würtz
Scientific referent
elia biasissi
Skipper – ROV Operator
Martina bottaro
Bioacoustics officer
alessandro capone
Phd Student
Marine Litter Expert
nicolò roccatagliata
Sub Operator
samuele Würtz
gabriele principato
Drone Operator
mattia meirana
maria cristina ramasco
Menkab news
La biodiversità del Porto: i nudibranchi.
Il porto non è solo punto di imbarco e di rientro per le uscite in mare aperto, ma anche un piccolo mondo di biodiversità da imparare e fotografare. Oggi vi presentiamo un piccolo organismo marino molto particolare: la Cratena, un nudibranco endemico del Mediterraneo.
What are you waiting for?
Fill out the request form and we will try to answer all your curiosities!
A.P.S. MENKAB.: Il respiro del mare
Lungomare Matteotti,1
17100 Savona
PI: 01581770094
CF: 92092510095