Illustrations by
Bottlenose Dolphin
Tursiops truncatus
Bottlenose dolphin | Tursiope
The bottlenose dolphin is the dolphin par excellence, the best known because it is the species that man has managed to make live in a controlled environment (dolphinariums and water parks). It is a typical coastal species and therefore it is not rare to see it near ports or observe it from the beaches. It has a vast acoustic repertoire and it is thought that each individual has its own "signature whistle", a unique vocal imprint that allows you to distinguish it from other specimens. They are also known for their ability to perform stunts out of the water: tail spinning (walking backwards out of the water standing on the caudal fin), breaching (diving out of the water).
Caratteristiche: corpo affusolato e robusto di colore grigio scuro. Il rostro è lungo e tozzo, da qui il nome “naso a bottiglia”. La pinna dorsale è a forma di falce e durante l’età può ricoprirsi di cicatrici o segni che vengono usati per identificare i singoli individui.
Caratteristiche: corpo affusolato e robusto di colore grigio scuro. Il rostro è lungo e tozzo, da qui il nome “naso a bottiglia”. La pinna dorsale è a forma di falce e durante l’età può ricoprirsi di cicatrici o segni che vengono usati per identificare i singoli individui.
Features: tapered and robust dark gray body. The rostrum is long and stocky, hence the name "bottle nose". The dorsal fin is shaped like a scythe and during the age can be covered with scars or marks that are used to identify individuals.
Lenght: 2,5 – 3,5 m
Weight: 300-400 kg
Longevity: around 30yrs
Dive Time: max 12 mins, 3-4 mins on average
Immersion depth: max -600 m
Speed: max 35 km/h
Food Diet: fish, krill, squid
Threats: maritime traffic and collisions, entrapment in networks.
Threats: overfishing, noise pollution, ships, bycatch