summer school

Course of Cetology and Marine Biology

The course is open to all three-year and master's students of Biological Sciences, Natural Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Marine Sciences, Marine Biology, Veterinary as well as postgraduate students interested in practical research experience.

Il corso è aperto a tutti gli studenti di triennale e magistrale di Scienze Biologiche, Scienze Naturali, Scienze Ambientali, Scienze del Mare, Biologia Marina, Veterinaria oltre che a studenti post-laurea interessati a un’esperienza pratica di attività di ricerca.

Limited number of participants.

Contribution for the course:

700 € per participant *
The fee includes:

  1. learning materials
  2. boat trips
  3. insurance
  4. association's t-shirt
  5. parking spot
 *sono previsti sconti per chi viene da fuori regione



The course will be divided into:
Theoretical part : the cetaceans of the Pelagos Sanctuary, bioacoustics, monitoring techniques. Objective: to provide the information necessary to carry out field research activities correctly and independently.

Practical part : sighting, data collection and analysis, photo-id, bioacoustics.

The surveys will take place on a 10 m motor boat adapted for research activities.

Al termine del corso verrà svolto un test di valutazione delle competenze acquisite, con rilascio di attestato di partecipazione.

Booking & infos

Documents needed:

  1. CV
  2. ID

applications deadline: 31/05/2020

What are you waiting for?

Fill out the request form and we will try to answer all your curiosities!

1 + 15 =

A.P.S. MENKAB.: Il respiro del mare
Lungomare Matteotti,1
17100 Savona

PI: 01581770094
CF: 92092510095